A new app to discover Switzerland by bike and on foot
TicinoSentieri has launched its collaboration with SwitzerlandMobility Plus, the platform that allows users to consult maps and routes with the routes of paths to be covered in all forms of slow mobility.
TicinoSentieri has launched its collaboration with SwitzerlandMobility Plus, the online platform that allows users to consult maps and routes of Switzerland with the routes of paths to be covered on foot, by mountain bike and in any other form of slow mobility.
It is a complete and useful tool, accessible through any type of device, which allows you to plan, download and print the chosen routes, integrating them with information about any service, points of interest and refreshment points on the journey.
A new and modern SwitzerlandMobility Plus application, from 01/01/2019, will replace the website www.ti-sentieri.ch, which allowed you to view and print maps and routes of the Ticino region.
This site was a pioneering initiative that was made with the cooperation of the regional touristic Organisations ten years ago. During all these years it had represented a certain and reliable reference point to whoever was interested in slow mobility, and it had achieved a big response from members and enthusiasts.
Roads and shacks always online
The new cooperation with SvizzeraMobile fits in the wake of this success and is part of the TicinoSentieri plan, that aims to create synergies with other platforms and associations that offer online services that are useful to hikers, like for example Capanneti and Ticino Turismo. The purpose is to acquire and give interlinked information that will result to be complete and useful as much as possible. This information will be presented in Italian, in French, in German and in English to make it easily available for a group of both national and international users to find.
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