The Del Ponte Hospital is one of the top 5 in Lombardy, in terms of childbirths

The hospital confirms its position, together with hospitals in Milan, Bergamo and Brescia. Tips on how to choose a hospital

Nuovo ospedale Del Ponte - Michelangelo

The Del Ponte Hospital, in Varese, is fourth in Lombardy in terms of the number of childbirths, after Milan, Bergamo and Brescia.

The ranking was produced by the website “Dove mi curo” (Where to be treated), a public reporting portal for the healthcare sector, which, since 2013, has been a reference point for anyone looking for a hospital in which to be treated. The Del Ponte has been confirmed as one of the best.

Sixty-six hospitals in Lombardy were analysed: 43.9% of them meet the reference number set of 1000 childbirths, whereas 13.6% of them do not even meet the minimum number of 500 childbirths per year.

“To guarantee greater safety, these hospitals should either be merged or converted, for instance, into clinics. The same cannot be said for hospitals located in the valleys or in the mountains, places which are difficult to reach, where a hospital in which to give birth must be available, even though its number will not be in line with the standards,” explained Grace Rabacchi, the Chief Medical Officer of Turin’s Sant ’Anna Hospital, which is first in terms of childbirths.

On the national level, Milan’s Maggiore Hospital – Mangiagalli Clinic is in 2nd place in terms of the number of childbirths; Bergamo’s Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital is in 4th, Brescia’s Spedali Civili Hospital is in 9th, and Milan’s Vittore Buzzi Children’s Hospital – Fatebenefratelli – Sacco Hospital is 10th.

The right proportion of Caesareans: suitability index of treatments

The right proportion of caesareans, together with the volumes, is one of the most important factors to consider when choosing a hospital, because it indicates the suitability of the care given. In Italy, the guidelines of the Ministry of Heath on quantity and quality standards of hospital care (DM 70) set the maximum values for primary caesareans at 25% for maternity wards that carry out more than 1000 births per year and (as previously said) at 15% for those that carry out fewer than 1000.

The Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital in Bergamo, the Spedali Civili Hospital in Brescia, the Vittore Buzzi Children’s Hospital – Fatebenefratelli-Sacco Hospital in Milan, and the Filippo del Ponte Hospital in Varese are within the limit on primary caesarean births, which must be fewer than or equal to 25%.

“Compared to a vaginal birth, a caesarean birth entails a greater risk for the woman and for the baby, and this is why it should be carried out only when the condition of either the mother or the foetus requires it,” explained Elena Azzolini, a public health specialist and member of the scientific committee.

How to choose where to give birth?

Volumes and the right proportion of caesareans are two important factors to consider, because they indicate the experience and suitability of the care given, but there are other aspects that should not be underestimated. In general, women have clear expectations concerning the birth of their child; for some, it is important to give birth in the most natural way possible, some want to limit the pain, some want their baby with them 24/7, and some ask for the blood of the umbilical cord to be preserved. And we cannot overlook how the pregnancy progresses: if illnesses arise affecting the woman or the baby, the hospital should be a level 2 hub that has suitable equipment available and a neonatal intensive care unit. “On the other hand, if the pregnancy is physiological, the mother-to-be can choose to be followed by a clinic and to give birth in a level 1 spoke hospital that is well connected to a level 2 hub hospital, provided it has a suitable volume,” Grace Rabacchi explained.

Thus, it is essential to get information in good time, to understand whether the chosen hospital meets your needs; whether it has a free epidural analgesia service 24/7, a tub for water births and a round-the-clock rooming-in service. And whether it is a collection centre for umbilical cord blood or whether it has a neonatal intensive care unit.

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