Boom time for tourism on Ceresio Lake: +30% in July, +60% in August
The figures of the Chamber of Commerce show a significant increase. Mastromarino asserts: “we’ll proceed with the promotion and the diversification of the offer”
In the unlucky year for tourism, the most popular places have been Como Lake and Ceresio Lake, which, during these months of pandemics, have managed to keep seizing the attention of many tourists, who did not renounce traveling, even for a hit and run holiday. And today, after calculations, they register an increase in visitors compared to 2019.
Proximity has been and will be the message that they mean to send correctly in these months. Because, with the closed borders, the worry of contaminations, the fear of getting stuck or having to face another quarantine, the Italians are finding destinations only a few kilometers from home, as a solution for an alternative tourism.
The confirmation arrives from the Research Department and Chamber of Commerce of Varese on provisional data (platforms Ross 1000 and Polis) – of the Lombardy Region – on the year 2020, which underline an increase of the attendances in the month of July equal to 30.2 %, compared to the same period in 2019. On the other hand, regarding the month of August, the attendances reached a share of 62.9%. The average permanence in the month which by definition is dedicated to relaxing, was of 2.4 days for the Italians and of 2.5 days for foreign tourists. To conclude the tourism “overview”, the overnight stays of Italian tourists reached 24%, whereas those of foreign tourists reached 76%.
Of course, it wasn’t an easy season: but from the dark predictions we managed to move quickly and the villages of our lake were literally stormed throughout the summer” explains Massimo Mastromarino, president of the authority of Ceresio, Piano and Ghirla lake basins.
“However, this year’s efforts must not dissolve and the body I represent is working in this direction: promoting the Ceresio area and diversifying the tourist offer, offering dedicated packages and, above all, putting the beauty of the area into practice. Only by working in synergy and with great determination will we be able to create a network of services designed for an increasingly demanding clientele in search of beauty and unique experiences”.
They are talking about it from 28th October to 1st November 2020 at the exhibition centre in Lugano in the 18th edition of the Travellers Exhibition (Salone dei Viaggiatori,) an international showcase to promote touristic destinations. For the first time the Lake of Como will be present with Lake of Ceresio in one stand that is aimed to promote the alpine territory to an international target, but also to a residential one because, very often, they look for something new travelling kilometers and kilometers, without giving the importance to or deepening those cultural, historical gems close to home, but especially those landscapes that are a natural postcard themselves.
Ceresio has everything: outdoor holidays, with camping, hotels for all needs, walks, religious routes, trekking, water sports and the most extreme ones. Everything is here, the showcase of the Viaggiatori is surely a good opportunity to find new places to explore and make the greatest number of people become interested in the territory.
Translated by Andrei Aldea, Michela Villa and Micol Viviani
Reviewed by Prof. Robert Clarke
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