Petrol discount: “A Government mistake that must be resolved”

The delegate councillor Daniela Maroni involved Rovera, the President of Lombardia Informatica (a regional society of services) and asked for it. The Brianza assessor accuses the Ministry. The reactivation of the cancelled cards has been requested.

carta sconto benzina, scontrino

Lombardia Informatica has intervened, but it is the Ministry of Economy and Finance that created the problem.
The disruptions raised by users and petrol pump attendants for the deactivation of the public service charter to some users launched the alarm: “An inconvenience created by the Government,” commented Daniela Maroni, the Secretary Councillor. “It has been entrusted the contract to a French company that, in all probability, did not provide a PIN reading system to obtain fuel discount causing, in some cases, the non-reading of the microchip, fundamental to access the discounts. Now the solution would be: collect all the cards and release them again with this expedient. Until a few days ago, it was possible to intervene with the public charter, but from today, some cards with expiry date deferred  over the time, have not been recognized and, even have been blocked. The problem is risking to reach huge sizes and to jam the entire mechanism that until now has worked perfectly.”

Therefore the problem is double: on one hand the new public service charters’ microchips that cannot be used as petrol discount card, on the other hand the deactivation of the old expiring CRS (public service charter). The problem is emerging in these days and the councillor elected in the Maroni list concluded, “the President Roberto Maroni reassured me and today will face the problem in the regional offices. For my point of view, I asked to hear, with the highest priority, the President of Lombardia Informatica, Davide Rovera. Next Thursday, the 7th April, he will be heard and he will have to clarify this situation in order to dictate the strategies to return the system to normality. For the moment, the Lombardy Region cannot do nothing, only commit to find a solution within a short time. On my part there is full alert to respond to citizens and managers that see themselves fooled by the State which has dismissed a small detail in the service system that is creating serious damages to the economy of the provinces of Como, Varese and Sondrio.”

“But the production of TS-CNS has been in charge at MEF since September 2013,as the President of Lombardia Informatica explains.The cause of the problem we have come across today has to be linked to an incompatibility of the hardware among the new documents made by the MEF’s supplier and some POS devices in the GDO’s service and of the petrol stations.At our observatory today it is not possible to determine whether the eventual solution has to be done by the MEF’s supplier or by the POS that are interested in the problem.But we can say for sure that the problem is not linkable neither to Lombardia Informatica nor to the Lombardy Region.”

Also the council member of Lombardy Region Francesca Brianza intervened on the question:”We have to link the problem, technically talking, to an incompatibility among the new documents given by MEF and some POS notices in the petrol distribution services.The anomalies have been found with the emission of new documents starting from December 2015 and a lot of these have been distributed without any problem in Lombardy where the services have been working since 2006 letting more than 230,000 citizens to distribute petrol in 230 petrol stations,nearly 18 millions of sales per year. Everyone concerned in this have been informed about the lack of services but now they suggest to use the “old” Sanitary Card and to hope that the Minister will solve this sad problem as soon as possible.”

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