On 17 March, I’ll be celebrating in Ireland

A 22-year-old reader, a member of the Northern League with responsibility in the party, has written to us to express his dissatisfaction, and quotes Gaber: “I don’t feel Italian, but fortunately, or unfortunately, I am!”

Dear Editor,

I’m 22, I’m the secretary of a branch of the Northern League, and I’m a town councillor. Despite my age, I’ve got very clear ideas! A lot of people underestimate my desire to do something, a desire that is lacking in this country, where nothing is important any more, and where culture is regressing; in some respects, my country has kept the roots of belonging alive, but this isn’t enough!

As soon as I turn the television on, I see programmes like Big Brother, the Island of the Famous, “Annozero”, and all of these destructive programmes that don’t make me feel Italian any more! They are the mental death of human beings. This irritates me a lot, I feel bitter, and I continue to dream of a better Italy, even though I’m convinced it will never happen! I yearn for a just Italy, without corruption, without idiotic television programmes, with important things, with culture, that can be compared to countries like Switzerland and Austria. I think, with humility, we can make progress. But no, politics has become satire or gossip, and the people talk but don’t act; so, I’m saying “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!”. We can’t continue like this, so why should I celebrate a United Italy, where nothing is united? I feel like the song in which Giorgio Gaber said, “I don’t feel Italian, but fortunately, or unfortunately, I am!”.

On this occasion, I would say UNFORTUNATELY, and on 17 March, I’ll be celebrating in Ireland!

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Pubblicato il 18 Febbraio 2011
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