A clown festival under the Madonnina

The ninth festival is in March; volunteers are being sought, for this important event to be a success.

 Work has already started on the preparation s for the ninth Milan Clown Festival. The festival will start in March, but time soon passes, and sitting and waiting achieves nothing, so the search is on for volunteers, and the recruitment of the army of clowns officially began, at the State University of Milan, with a performance by PIC (Clown Emergency Intervention) among the desks of the Department of Arts and the Environment. Milan will become a theatre for street entertainers, coming alive with tricks, imagination, fun and real art. What could be better than to join the team behind the excitement and entertainment? Milan is just a stone’s throw away, almost around the corner, and performance and imagination know no bounds. So no more reticence, holding back or doubts. We should roll up our sleeves and join in. For the moment, mark the dates in your diaries, from 5 to 8 March, and don’t take any other commitments; Milan will fill up with performers, in the streets and the squares, only fun, and the curtains will rise in the theatres. Four days to escape the routine.
The whole neighbourhood of Isola and Piazza del Duomo will be the venues for four days of magic and laughter. So with the pen and 2014 calendar publicising the event (they are already available), mark in the four days in Milan. The School of Circus Arts and Theatre, with its amazing artistic director, Maurizio Accattato, are looking for volunteers to assist in the organisation, for the order service, artist assistance, graphic/web assistance – set design, and sound/light technical assistance. And anyone with artistic talents can join PIC. There are people who are only waiting for your smile.

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Pubblicato il 26 Novembre 2013
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