Help us to print the artistic history of the city!

The administration starts a "crowdfunding" operation to finance the catalogue of more than a thousand works of art, which are property of the municipality. Appeal to people’s generosity to collect 20,000 Euros

All of the Municipality of Varese works of art gathered in one catalogue. More than a thousand pieces photographed and commented by renowned scholars as Aurora Scotti, Fernando Mazzocca, Giorgio Zanchetti, Sergio Reborra, Simonetta Coppa.

The work is ready; all the authors from the sixteenth century to 1945 have been catalogued, illustrated and presented with an abundance of information. A piece of history packed into a volume looking for sponsors. Indeed, to support publishing costs, the Municipality of Varese thought of an innovative idea: crowdfunding. It is a collective and spontaneous participation in the name of an idea, a project and an initiative that is shared. The system is relatively new, but in Italy it has already collected 13 million Euros for various initiatives. We talk about music, but also about art: the City of Turin has just obtained the 80,000 Euros required to win a tea service, which belonged to Massimo D’Azeglio and which will be put up for auction at Sotheby’s.

The city and the region have already invested 10,000 Euros each to support the work that tells the life of the city: most of the pieces, exposed in the Civic Museums, come from donations by Varese illustrious families in ‘900, when the "civil charity" was widespread. These are valuable documents that tell the history of art and culture in Lombardy, in particular in the nineteenth century.

The catalogue, whose manufacturing took two years, consists of 450 colour pages in "A4" and it contains 200 sheets of major works, in addition to the final list of works in the collection, photographs and technical figures.

It is a proof of the city history, as well as an artistic and cultural value, which Varese people can adopt and make their own: indeed, the city is calling upon the community. Everyone can participate according to their skills and availability. There is no minimum bid, but people who will donate 25 Euros will also receive the catalogue, while those who want to be benefactors (from 500 Euros and above) will also see their names printed in the book.

Every detail of this initiative is explained in the website, from which you can access the site crowdfunding:

The collection will end on May 31st.

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Pubblicato il 03 Aprile 2013
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