Arcisate-Stabio railway: go-ahead for work on SP3 to start in May.

The next interventions on the road network were presented during the meeting, at the Oratory in Gaggiolo.

Cantello - il cantiere della Arcisate-Stabio aprile 2016

The hall was full, there were many questions, and a common hope to see the end of work on the Arcisate-Stabio railway soon, a hope that was nourished by the fact that the construction site is now working at full capacity.


The state of the work and the next interventions, which will involve the road network, were presented during the meeting, which took place this evening at the Oratory in Gaggiolo, and which was organised by the town council of Cantello, in collaboration with the association “Vivere Gaggiolo”. The plan for the new railway station, with a large car park, was shown as well.


The construction manager of Italferr, Andrea Pauri, and the technical director of Salcef, Bruno Giovannini, answered many of the questions, particularly those concerning the work on the road network, which will begin in May.


Two new roundabouts are going to be built; these will help to divert traffic when the section of the SP3, which the railway will pass under, is demolished. The roundabouts will remain also when the provincial road is rebuilt, and they will help to regulate better the traffic on the section of road in front of the supermarket.


“Of course, there’ll be some inconvenience, but we’ll do our best to keep this to a minimum and to avoid chaos during the peak hours for the cross-border workers,” said Mayor Gunnar Vincenzi.

Drawings of the new underground station, with a car park with 140 spaces, were also presented during the meeting.

The meeting ended with a presentation, by the Mayor, of the important legal victory  reported by the town council of Cantello, in the matter of the landfill for inert waste and of the crusher, which Switzerland has placed on the border, which was not in the agreements of the third phase of the Cantonal Plan.

The appeal presented by the town council of Cantello was won, the cantonal authorities did not present any opposition, and negotiations will begin afresh, with the local authority certain to make its voice heard, to protect the inhabitants of the border area, with the support, hopefully, of the Ministry and Lombardy Region.

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