Something new: we’re coming to you for coffee

One evening a week, until the end of the year, we are going to meet our readers at their homes. We are starting in Cavona, where Rosalia will be welcoming us.


One evening a week, until the end of the year, we are going to meet our readers at their homes. This will be an opportunity for you to get to know us, and for us to listen to your suggestions, proposals, ideas and problems. It will also be an opportunity to tell our story.

Our work is mostly digital, but we recognise the great value in meeting and sharing pleasant times together. It is like savouring old, enjoyable atmospheres.

This new tour is starting on Thursday 16 March, in Cavona di Cuveglio. Rosalia is going to welcome us into her home, where there will be about a dozen people. In addition to our editor, there will be a surprise guest, who will be different for every evening, there to get to know new readers.

We are glad to start in a small hamlet in Valcuvia, because it takes us back somewhat to our origins, when we used the slogan, “VareseNews brings the news to Brinzio and to New York”. This would sound funny today, because it is so obvious, but in 1997, it seemed almost impossible, because not many people used the Internet, and at that time, people were starting to discover that they could go anywhere, that the world had become a lot smaller.

We have called the project “Indovina chi porta il caffè” (“Guess who’s bringing the coffee”), a reference to the presence of a surprise guest.

VareseNews is celebrating its 20th anniversary, and we are glad to share this achievement with our readers. We are going to do so in many different ways. We decided to start with the easiest, most direct and warmest way, mixing curiosity and a welcoming spirit, which are, after all, the two characterising elements of our work.

Along some pilgrimage walks, signs can be seen outside houses that say, “Mi casa es tu casa”. For one week, we will be coming in with a spirit of care and attention, and as guests thanks to the trust the people have in us.

The meetings will last approximately two hours, and anyone who would like to sign up to host one may do so by filling in this form.

In general, we are thinking of keeping Thursday as the day, with two different time slots: from 6 pm to 8 pm and from 9 pm to 11 pm.

We ask just one thing: that you bring in between ten and fifteen friends. We will take care of the coffee. We take this opportunity to thank Bialetti, the brand with the world’s most famous coffee maker, for their collaboration on this project.

Don’t make any plans for the evening of 20 April. We’ll tell you why, later.

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