Large crowd to remember Mauro Venegoni

The partisan from Legnano was commemorated at the memorial stone on the way to Busto-Cassano, where he was tortured, killed and buried by Fascists.

Many gathered this morning in Cassano Magnago to remember Mauro Venegoni on the 67th Anniversary of his death. The partisan was massacred by Fascists on 31 October 1944. Mauro Venegoni, who was born in Legnano on 4 October 1903, was one of the first to set up partisan groups in the area, taking part in several battles, always distinguishing himself with his ability and courage. He was captured and subjected to the most atrocious torture, in a vain attempt to extract information about the partisan organisation in the area, before he was killed by the Fascists.

“His indomitable faith was not shaken even when the enemy savagely tore his face and body, first blinding, and then killing him”; this is the reason why he was awarded the Gold Medal of Military Valour during the Resistance.

Every year, the associations of partisans and local governments remember Mauro Venegoni with a procession and a moment of commemoration. A lot of young people attended  the procession. 

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Pubblicato il 25 Ottobre 2011
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