Who helps mothers? The internet more than grandparents and husbands
According to a Groupon survey, Lombard mothers find more help on the internet than in their families, but what they miss the most, is the help to balance work life and private life
Everybody knows that mothers think about everything, but also, that they need help, however just 1 out of 3 finds the support of the partner. Then, solutions are looked for on the web or on social media, especially if it is about buying presents, planning holidays or searching for some recipes to sharpen children’s appetite.
This is what the Groupon survey brought out, which looked into the matter in occasion of Mother’s Day, revealing the universe of real and virtual support for Lombard mothers.
Results show that at least 3 Lombard mothers out of 5 (62% of those asked) enjoy using social networks and the internet as a tool to look for help, especially to find ideas to have new experiences (48%): from the waterpark to the boat-trip, from the mountain-trip to the castle visit. In second place, tied with 29% of the votes, the research for recipes that children like and a feedback on how to act in the face of a problem. 26% of those asked, find on the internet a personal space and a moment of distraction to look around Instagram stories of other people or to free themselves from their problems… by reading about others! Next, with 14% of the votes, we can find questions about products and educational games. After, there are medical advice (8%) and the feedback of other mums (7%). In last place there is the feedback on survival skills (2%).
Beyond children, 77% of the Lombard mums find on the internet a valid ally also for the general management of daily problems: almost 6 Lombard mothers out of 10 save time by buying presents online, 54% plans holidays online and 44% prefers online shopping. Most popular is online shopping (31%): the time of one click and the chart is full! In last place there is the daily gossip with friends (29%), and regarding this, social networks are in the front line.
In addition to the internet, who else do Lombard mothers get support from? Just 33% affirm to feel helped by their partner “who shows to always be able to guarantee the full collaboration in managing the house and children,” followed by 20%, who admit to be supported by the children, despite the frequent discussion. In third place, the support of their parents, that is the grandparents (17%) “who live in the same situation and so always know how to act.” In last place, really close and very important, the support of other mums (16%) because at the end, they are on the same boat.
Considering the type of support, the asked mothers built this ranking: 37% would like to be supported more in the balancing of their work-life and private-life. In second place, a support about daily problems to have more time to spend with their children and to have experiences together (27%), while in third place, a psychological and emotional help (24%).
“We like to find from this survey, that the web for many women and mothers is also a practical support to manage daily necessities, e.g. to find the right baby-friendly restaurant or the most trendy experience to propose to their family,” says Valentina Manfredi, the managing director of Groupon in Italy, who will use the data on her platform even more, so that it is more effective for the necessities of mothers, “so that it is helpful … besides being fun, obviously,” concludes Valentina.
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