Violence against women, the accusation is a work of art

A Varese marketing and advertising agency, SS&C, has produced a short film to endorse the World Day Against Violence Against Women. The video can be seen on YouTube and on social networks.

Violence against women, is in our history, the real masterpiece would be to cancel it”; this is the slogan of the short film produced by the Varese marketing and advertising agency SS&C.
This non-profit initiative is in support of the World Day Against Violence Against Women.
On 25 November, we are going back to discussing a topic that is never given enough space in the “traditional” media, except when it is part of the news. And yet, this phenomenon is huge, and the numbers are alarming. It is impossible to quantify; throughout the world, women suffer violence of every kind, often without reporting it.
There is a curtain of silence that surrounds these women, and this is the focus of the short film by the Varese producers. A collection of famous paintings of women’s faces disfigured by blows. Silent women not crying, not screaming, not protesting.
Since yesterday, 23rd November, the video has been on all of the women’s magazines online, as well as on YouTube and the social networks Facebook and Twitter.
“It’s a precise choice,” explains Giampiero Suru, the president of the SS&C. “We decided to use the Internet because it is a more immediate means of communication. But we have also been in contact with the Ministry for the Equal Opportunities, and with “Pubblicità Progresso”, but these will take longer.
“This is a topic that we often hear about; our marketing and advertising company is 80% women. We all worked for free,” Suru continues. “We think this is an intelligent way to celebrate the thirty years of our being in business. It’s pointless denying it: this will serve to get people also talking about us, but we wanted, first of all, to focus on a topic like this.”
“We used “viral marketing”, a type of unconventional marketing that exploits the communicative ability of a few interested people to get the message across to a large number of final users, because, in this way, we can be sure of reaching many people of different ages.” Never before have we been so unsure of the result. All the same, word of mouth on the Internet might arouse consciences.

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Pubblicato il 26 Novembre 2009
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