Artistes and athletes on the field, with a dedication to Bruno Arena

On Monday, 23 February, the PalaWhirlpool is the venue for a tournament involving the TV National team, representatives of Openjobmetis, and Varese 1910, in the presence of the comic. Proceeds will go to voluntary associations.

As these are show business people, there had to be a surprise ending: in the Weddings Hall of Palazzo Estense, Bruno Arena, to whom the special event on Monday, 23 February, at the PalaWhirlpool, will be dedicated, also arrived, unannounced, amid applause. On 23 February, at 8.30 pm, the stadium in Via Manin will host "Vaffancuore" (one of Bruno’s exclamations; we might laugh about it, but we don’t think it’s very nice …) an event involving four teams with so many faces familiar to the general public, on the 5-a-side football pitch. First of all, there will be the TV National Football team, who were out in force this morning (Tuesday, 13 January) in Varese, and who are the "driving force" behind the event; then there will be the representatives of Openjobmetis and Varese 1910, and a selection of other popular personalities.

This event comes from the imagination of Marco Bazzoni, the popular "Baz" in the TV show "Colorado". "The evening will be a present to Bruno, in his home town," said Baz. "He’s always been in the front line with us artistes, organising charity events, so we decided to organise one right here, in Varese. We got the initiative going quickly and found people who were enthusiastic to join us; from now until 23 February, we can still do a lot to make sure the stadium is packed."

Of course, it is all for a good cause: the proceeds will be donated entirely to charity, with the local blood donor organisation, AVIS (which was represented today by its vice-chairperson, Sonia Marantelli) acting as the guarantor for the distribution of the funds to various voluntary associations. This decision has also been blessed by Rosy, Bruno’s wife. "Bruno is proud of his town, and he’s proved this by involving or quoting Varese in his films and in his shows. And after this event, he’ll be even prouder," she said before accompanying her husband, who was forced into wheelchair after he came out of a coma, following the aneurysm that struck him exactly one year ago.

The Town Council immediately set about promoting the event, with Mayor Fontana and Councillor Piazza, still today, in the front row. And the town’s two main teams immediately joined the event; as mentioned above, they will form one of the four teams in the charity event. Silvio Papini, on behalf of the Varese 1910, and Stefano Coppa, on behalf of Varese Basketball, have guaranteed the involvement of their teams (“Pozzecco asked me not to relieve him until that day, because he really wants to be there,” the manager of Varese Basketball joked).And it was in Palazzo Estense that the artistes that have already announced their participation, on the field, with Baz, spoke. They include: Marco Bellavia (formerly on the show “Bim Bum Bam”), who used to do cycle training with Bruno, Max Laudadio, who is at home in Varese, “Chicco d’Oliva”, Mariello and the hugely popular Roberto Da Crema, “Baffo” from the TV shopping programmes, and former quarterback of the TV National Team, who has been promoted to manager since suffering a heart attack “in Trento, on the field, while I was playing in the ‘Derby del Cuore”. What a coincidence.”

“Vaffancuore” – Monday, 23 February 2015

PalaWhirlpool, in Varese, at 8.30 p.m.

Tickets: €5 (€2 for children under 10). On sale at the AVIS offices, in Via Cairoli 14. 

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Pubblicato il 15 Gennaio 2015
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