In Varese, the last public burning of a book in Italy

It was the translation of a short story by De Sade edited by journalist and gastronome Luigi Veronelli. The story is reconstructed in the exhibition in his honour held at the Triennale

In the exhibition of Luigi Veronelli staged at the Milan Triennale is also a reconstructed chapter of the life of the editor, journalist and gastronome involving, unfortunately, even the city of Varese. It is an episode in our history that has already been brought to light in detail some years ago by Luca Conte who published it in the file of 30th Magazine of the Historical Society of Varese, but continues to astonish.

The story, in fact, recalls the events that led to thelast burning of a book in a square in Italy. A story that happened not in the distant and dark Middle Ages in the dark years of the Inquisition, but in the "recent" 1961 in the courtyard of the police headquarters in Varese Casbeno.

That’s right: it was the book "Stories, short stories and tales " by the Marquis De Sade, printed four years earlier by the small publishing house Manfredi of Varese on behalf of the prince of journalists and wine and food editors Luigi Veronelli (photo). The book was accused of pornography and set on fire with all its copies.

In the Milan show are exposed trial papers that led to that decision and the copies of the book.


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Pubblicato il 23 Gennaio 2015
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