Maroni: “Our region is UNESCO World Heritage”
In a video projected in the square also the four UNESCO sites of the province, from Sacro Monte to stilt houses

“We want to valorise our cultural treasures because Lombardy is the first agricultural region of Italy but it is also the one with the greatest number of sites in Italy. Right now they are 10, but soon they may increase.” Like this the president of the Lombardy Region introduced ‘The Memory of Tomorrow’, the video of the 10 Unesco World Heritage sites of Lombardy which visited tonight, Sunday, June 28, in Varese in the central Monte Grappa Square.
Together with the President the Councillor for Culture, Identity and Autonomy of Lombardy Region Cristina Cappellini.
After Cremona and Brescia, Varese has hosted the presentation of the movie that presents the world heritage sites in Lombardy.
The event, moderated by the Director of Lombardia Notizie Roberto Fiorentini, following the presentations of Cremona and Brescia, attended also by the regional director Francesca Attilia Brianza, the Mayor of Varese Attilio Fontana, councillors Maria Ida Piazza and Sergio Ghiringhelli and director of the Experimental Film Centre Maurizio Nichetti.
VARESE, PROVINCE QUEEN FOR UNESCO – “We have the province of Varese that boasts four sites,” said the president Maroni, “but we want everyone to know all about the world heritage sites, from the rock carvings of the Valley Camonica, to the Sacro Monte of Varese arriving at the intangible violin making in Cremona.”
“A heritage,” said the Chairman Maroni, “that we are promoting in Expo, in ‘Planet Lombardia’, and I assure you that the delegations that see it are ecstatic and our UNESCO sites will be trump cards to return to, over the next six years at least, for the more than 20 million visitors to Expo “.
THE TREASURE CHESTS OF EXCELLENCE IN THE LAND OF SEVEN LAKES – Specifically, Varese is the Lombard province which boasts more sites, 4 out of 10: Sacro Monte, Monte San Giorgio, the series of sites ‘The Lombards in Italy. The places of power’, which includes the ‘castrum’ with the Tower of Torba and the Church of Santa Maria ‘foris portas’ in Castelseprio-Gornate Olona, and the series of sites ‘Prehistoric Stilt Dwellings around the Alps’, which also includes the area of Varese.
CHAPELS: “THE FRUIT OF THE’UNESCO TOUR’” – “With the ‘Unesco Tour’,” said the commissioner Cappellini, “we went and visited 10 of the Unesco World Heritage sites of our Lombardy to make it known to everyone that we are the first region for UNESCO sites in Italy. ”
“The goal,” said the commissioner, “is to promote awareness of the sites in all of Lombardy and also among the millions of visitors to Expo so that they can know what treasures can offer them our beautiful Lombardy”.
MOVIE AND TESTIMONIAL – “A big thanks,” has remarked the assessor, “must be done, for the movie ‘The Memory of Tomorrow’, which illustrates and describes the 10 World Heritage Sites of Lombardy, to the Experimental Film Centre in Milan, who has created it with our input and the extraordinary participation
of figures such as Philippe Daverio, Davide Van De Sfroos, Omar Predrini, Deborah Compagnoni, Bruno Santori, Romano Tamani, Franco Branciaroli and the Quartetto Cremona.
A GREAT SUCCESS FOR EXPO – “It is a work that lasts about 50 minutes,” said the commissioner Cappellini, “that takes a journey through the 10 World Heritage Sites in Lombardy, which are having great success at the Expo site, in the pavilion of the Region, ‘Planet Lombardy’. “
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Loro ne fanno già parte
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