A laboratory to create jobs, Molini Marzoli go back to basics

Thanks to the loan from the Ministry of Education, Ite Tosi and Isis Ponti, the incubation of companies (inactive for years) inside the Tecnocity will take off and create new jobs

molini marzoli

Ite Tosi embark on a new adventure, with the help of the town administration that has made available some spaces inside the Molini Marzoli. The technical institute in Viale Stelvio has obtained a 700,000 euro loan from the Ministry of Education to start a territorial laboratory for employability and has successfully applied for a space with the Municipality of Busto Arsizio to be able to develop.

The Tosi project (made in collaboration with Isis Ponti Gallarate, Ed.) ranked 15th place in the league and won the substantial funding to start a kind of advanced co-working, open to all those that are seeking employment or that have an idea to invent a job. The project is defined as a “physical place” where there can be held future meetings between students of all ages and educational paths, unoccupied youths, workers, companies, and researchers involved in practical experiments and in learning pathways.

The need to have open spaces that are attractive and innovative, positioned in the most central and accessible as possible part of the city, where there is an internet connection with medium-high performance, has made functional for this purpose, the incubator located inside the municipal property complex, a space defined as such (incubator) in the initial project the restructuring that was destined to, even then, the development of local companies. The incubation of companies project never took off, actually, but it could revived thanks to Ite Tosi that, with their project, seem to follow, in part, the initial intentions of that restructuring.

The Technical Institute of International Economy “E. Tosi” aims with this project to expand the training of students, supported by tutors and teachers, who will have knowledge and deal with all the local realities and experience in a concrete way, new learning pathways;

Knowledge, discussion and experimentation in the context of the territorial Laboratory for employment will not be an end in themselves but, by involving students, unemployed searching for jobs or relocation, professionals of local companies, researchers, teachers and even interested ordinary citizens, will raise the skills for employability of those concerned also in favour of the various stakeholders.

Pubblicato il 20 Gennaio 2017
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