The lighting up of the Varese Christmas lights
The events in the main squares in the area of Varese will be organized by Proloco and Confersercenti, winners of the notice of the municipality.

Piazza Monte Grappa adorned with little houses and many attractions for everyone, the christmas tree illuminated in the centre of the square, the façade of the Chamber of Commerce illuminated with the colours of Christmas, and there is also the ice rink in Piazza Repubblica and the happy farm of Christmas.
Little houses of Santa Claus in Piazza Repubblica and Igloos for kids, performances in the streets of Varese, the bapitsm of the saddle: pony rides, the Santa Claus carriage, RI-DONO: donate an old toy to the children in greatest need and at the end, New Year’s Eve on ice.
In addition, the markets and performances in the Galleria Manzoni – organized by the Gallery’s traders – and many events on Piazza XX September. There are many different locations for a Varese Christmas event with lots of events.
Numerous events planned for the Christmas holidays organized by Proloco and Confersercenti, who have won the 2017 Christmas Competition notice promoted by the Municipality of Varese.
It will already begin on December 1st, when the first initiatives and events will take place between Piazza Repubblica and Piazza Monte Grappa. December 2nd will then be the magical moment of lighting up the Christmas tree at the centre of Piazza Monte Grappa and the illuminations on the façades of the buildings overlooking the square. From 18:00, the expected time for the lighting, everyone is invited: citizens, families and children, to the organized event that will see songs in the centre of the square performed by the student youth orchestra of Varese that will perform songs such as Jingle Bells, Imagine, Blowin’ in the Wind, and We are the World. The theme chosen for the lighting of the tree of Piazza Monte Grappa is “UN Agenda 2030, for Sustainable Development and Human Rights.”
Ivana Perusin, Productive Activities assessor, declared: “This is going to be an amazing Christmas for Varese, with plenty of events and initiatives. This year, in addition to the Christmas lights sponsored by the Municipality, the area, and the ProLoco and the Confesercenti (association that represents Italian small and medium-sized enterprises in the tourism sector), we’ve also started a coordination work thanks to the public competition we created, that helped us expand the number of events and initiatives, and increase the number of locations in the city that will be decorated to host the many events that are going to take place over Christmas. This is a project that will grow bigger every year, always finding more collaborations and synergies. A colourful and lively city during the Christmas period can really represent an opportunity for economical and touristic development, attracting tourists and visitors even from outside the city.”
“We faced a very challenging organisational work, but we’re very satisfied now. We hope that both people from Varese and tourists will appreciate the event schedule for Christmas 2017,” said Rosita De Fino, director of Confesercenti.
In the next days the Varese Municipality is going to show the whole schedule of Christmas events that are going to take place in the central area, in the neighborhoods, and on the Sacro Monte.
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