Unemployment to 7%: “The worst element since the last 10 years”.

In our province the level rose to 7.7%. It is the highest value of all Lombardy.

The analysis at provincial level about the unemployment data in 2011, released by Istat today, reveals the leap made by this indicator in Varese. In fact, it rose from 5.3%  of the workforce in search of employment in 2010 to a value equal to 7.7% for last year. “This is the highest value in Lombardy” explains the Chamber of Commerce with a note, “and the worst of at least the last decade, greater even then the 6.3% that characterised 2009, in which it was revealed stronger the crisis that began with the bursting of the financial bubble at the end of 2008”.Concerning employment,  figures released by Istat  show for the province of Varese confirmation about 376 thousand  people operating in the labour market. The data on unemployment can therefore also be read as an increase in the number of those who are placed in the circuit of actively searching for a job. An evidence also demonstrated by the reduction in the rate of inactivity in Varese, decreasing from 32.2% to 30.6%. The inactivity rate can be defined as an index, the percentage of those who, either because of their age or discouragement, do not actively participate in the labour market.

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Pubblicato il 04 Aprile 2012
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