The granny of the fairs has died

Anna Palpacelli passed away on Sunday, from the sixties she managed the games kiosk in the Parco Zanzi at Schiranna. Tomorrow her funeral in Bobbiate.

There isn’t a child of Varese that has never held, at least once, her little coloured tickets that allowed you to go on the fair in Zanzi’s Park.

The "granny" of Schiranna, Anna Palpacelli, passed away on Sunday (21st October) at the age of 88 years old after few months of sickness.

Her fair, bright with its big windows flung open in the summer and warmly closed during winter, was the point of reference for toddlers at the Schiranna’s Park.

She has worked while she was able to do it, till the end distributing the little tickets.

Anna married Rodolfo Bertolazzi, traveling roundabout attendant, than in the sixties they settled at Schiranna.

On February 2008 Anna confered a little upon of "Viola della Fidapa", in the Varese section of the Italian Federation Women Artists Professions Business.

The funeral will take place in the church of Bobbiate on tuesday at 14 p.m. o’clock and at the and of ceremony a bus it will be placed at the disposal of those who would like to accompany the granny from the fairs to the cemetery of Ganna, where she will be buried near her husband.

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Pubblicato il 24 Ottobre 2012
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