The official translator of “Che tempo che fa” comes to Varese

On Wednesday afternoon, an encounter has been organised, at the School for Linguistic Mediators, with Paolo Maria Noseda, a former teacher of the school, who will be presenting his book about his experiences.

From the school for translators in Varese, to the television programme “Che tempo che fa”. This is one of the journeys taken by Paolo Maria Noseda, an interpreter originally from Milan, who is very well-known in Varese, because of his work at the school. Noseda has also recently published a book, entitled La voce degli altri (The voice of others, Sperling&Kupfer, 2012, €17), which contains stories, anecdotes, and encounters with celebrities and non celebrities. The book is dedicated, above all, to those who work with words and with languages, and will be presented by the author himself, on Wednesday 12 December, at 2 p.m., at the School for Linguistic Mediators, in Via Cavour.

But who is Paolo Maria Noseda? He is one of Italy’s best known and most highly esteemed interpreters. His name and his face are possibly not as well-known as his voice, which, for years, has accompanied the viewers of “Che tempo che fa”, where he is the “official” interpreter for Fabio Fazio’s foreign guests. Born on the border between a lake and the mountains (borders have never been a problem for him), he describes himself as “curious and passionate about the world”. He loves travelling (with any means possible, above all, his feet), languages and communication. In a random manner, he continually studies a great number of things. He thinks extremely often (it is free, after all!).

Paolo Maria Noseda has spent his life … making himself understood. In his thirty-year career as an interpreter, he has lent his voice to writers, politicians, managers, singers, fashion models and teachers, and has gathered anecdotes and ‘lessons’ that explain, in a fascinating way, a little known, and, in some ways, little regarded, profession,” his publisher explained. “In an entertaining and profound book that mixes his personal story with reflections on his profession and on the power of words, he recounts episodes in his life spent ‘lending’ his voice to other people. If it is true that to translate means to be unfaithful, in his book, Noseda guides us through the most interesting ‘escapades’ that have occurred to him.”

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Pubblicato il 11 Dicembre 2012
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