Brugnoli: the new Government? Good programmes, but please hurry

Re-united the Committee of the Union of the Manufacturers of the Province of Varese. The President has brought the voice of industrialists about the Government "without growth, Italy is lost"

"After almost two months and ten days from the election, the Government was finally formed." Like this he made his debut, Giovanni Brugnoli, President of the industrialists Union of the Varese Province, commenting on the political situation in the country during the last Government of the same Industrial Union. A comment that clearly indicates the mood of entrepreneurs in stating the slow pace with which the politics move as economic problems continue to press.

Less severe the judgment on policy content of the new Government. "The President of the Council", added the President Brugnoli, "in his speech to gain the trust of Parliament he more or less touched upon all the issues on the table showing to have awareness of urgencies"

 "The President Letta has then made an important affirmation", he added, "when he said that without growth Italy is lost. It is an acceptable and appropriate statement, especially considering that you often hear statements from which the idea emerges, just in itself, with work as a priority, but not at the same time considering that it is not an independent variable because the work can only be the result of a growth phase of the economic system."

It is therefore urgent to vary measures that encourage a revival of the economy and consumer spending. We must go to an expansive phase, while maintaining the necessary stringency in public accounts. Some indicators in this respect are present in the programme of the new Government, such as the cut in the tax wedge to reduce labour costs and return workers spending; a return to less restrictions applied to the regulatory regime for the conclusion of fixed-term employment contracts; the development by leveraging on Innovation, Energy and SME Credit, administrative simplification.

"Then there are other shareable indications", noted Brugnoli again, "from the reaffirmed fidelity to Europe, not detached from the putting in argument of the rigour politics adopted by the European ministries and of the criteria of allocation of the financings to the States for the public investments, in contrast to the scholastic dispersion, the valorisation of the historical-artistic and landscaped patrimony in the promotion of the tourist economy."

At last, completely shareable and waited for is the promise of immediate reduction of the costs of politics.

"Less shareable", has also observed the president of the varese manufactures, "are instead other aspects linked to the newly formed Government. The first is the plethora of dicasteries, twenty-one, reminiscent of the old Cencelli manual. The second is the trust of the study of the institutional reforms to this new Convention that is very similar to the numerous Bicameral Commission that, in thirty years, they have never carried to something of fact. "I hope I am wrong," concluded Brugnoli, "and that, therefore, the reforms this time, they really do them, but I think that the sentiment of Italians would have preferred a more direct and fast way: there were the texts developed by desired by President Napolitano, you could have used those texts and approve them straightaway. This would be a great signal."

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Pubblicato il 17 Maggio 2013
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