Rete Imprese Italia, is out to get Italian politicians

Giorgio Merletti, the national Chairman of Confartigianato, launched #matteostaipreoccupato. And immediately the web responded: “In their own small way, entrepreneurs get pissed off, as well.”

 Giorgio Merletti, the national Chairman of Confartigianato (the confederation of Italian crafts), harshly criticised the banks and politicians during the final meeting of Rete Imprese Italia (the Italian enterprise network), and got an ovation from more than 60,000 small businessmen gathered in Piazza del Popolo, in Rome. There are those who claim that swearwords lose their vulgarity when they reinforce the concepts they refer to, and Merletti reinforced all of his ideas. “Let me just say, they’ve broken our balls. I’m here because I can’t take it anymore, either as a citizen or as a businessman. Politicians must realise that without businesses, this country is dead.” And he added, “The banks must go back to being banks, and fund businesses. I’ve met a lot of bankers this year, and when they say ‘the horse isn’t drinking’, do they think we’re dickheads, that we’re stupid? We haven’t got our heads stuck in the sand. Somebody has to tell us who the fuck gave the money to Parmalat. Italy needs a system of tracking bribes, not waste.”

“In their own small way, entrepreneurs get pissed off, too,” tweeted a candidate for mayor in a town near Modena. And according to Rete Imprese Italia, politics is responsible for this huge fit of anger.

All of the speeches by the national chairmen of the associations of craftsmen and traders had messages for the new Prime Minister, Matteo Renzi. Marco Venturi, the chairman of Confesercenti and of Rete Imprese Italia, said, “The next government and parliament must acknowledge our strength and change their attitude.”

Carlo Sangalli (Confcommercio) said, “Politicians mustn’t act as if nothing has happened, and if they don’t listen to us, there’ll be even more people out on the streets.”

Giacomo Basso (Casartigiani) declared, “Small businesses are only taken into account during election campaigns.”

Daniele Vaccarino (CNA) claimed, “We’re wonderful people, ready to serve our country. Enough with these tricks (by the politicians, ed.).”

The last, extremely tough message was for Matteo Renzi, and its sender was the indomitable Giorgio Merletti, who first launched #matteostaipreoccupato (Matteo, be worried) from the stage in Piazza del Popolo, and then made a proclamation. “If you don’t lower our taxes, we’ll kick your ass.” In the election, of course.

And it’s a good thing that Merletti’s “legs were shaking” at the beginning.

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Pubblicato il 20 Febbraio 2014
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