The Latvian Semester in the Joint Research Centre starts with dancing and good food

There was space for the memory of the events that, in Paris, shocked the whole of Europe. But also the space for enjoyment, traditional music and sausages in the ceremony of transition from the Italian semester to the Latvian one

There was space for the memory of the events that, in Paris, shocked the whole of Europe. But also the space for enjoying traditional music and food that were different from usual.

Space to remember the greatness of the Italian culture, but also the hidden importance of the Latvian one.  Above all, there was a time that allowed all this at the opening ceremony of the new European semester, for this period assigned for the first time to Latvia. A ceremony in the Jrc, the Joint Research Centre in Ispra, that is renewed every six months: and that this time was particularly felt.

The flag that flew at the end of the previous semester, was the Italian one: the semester just ended saw in fact our government committed on European issues, but also the organizing committee in Ispra, directed by Giacinto Tartaglia, struggling with a very dense program (over 100 events, almost one a day) which included music and cooking, painting and fun.

The flag that instead was raised with its anthem, was hoisted for the first time since its entry into Europe, for Latvia is in fact the first opportunity.  For this was not missed the memory of the bad days when this opportunity is opened (strongly felt the minute of silence requested by the Director of the Ispra site Dan Chirondoian, for the French victims) but also the party wasn’t missing.

For this reason, the opening ceremony began with music: with traditional songs performed by the folk group Dandari, coming from Latvia. And for that the Latvian president of the committee, Ilze Balmane, recalled: "We will try to give you a taste of Latvian culture, that even in the food is to be discovered. Stay connected with us, look at the programme of the semester on our webpage and enjoy it."

To the Ambassador Plenipotentiary of Latvia, Artis Bertulis also recalled some famous representatives of world culture, such as the artist Mark Rothko and Mikhail Baryshnikov. But also the commitments that Latvia, a country of excellence for the network, plans to take in these six months: "Digital Europe is a priority, and our efforts for both the digital security and for the involvement of the whole of Europe in digital broadcasting."

Meanwhile, the town on Lake Maggiore welcomes these new friends giving great importance to the ceremony, because: "In most countries Italians do not even have the perception of what is going on here or what happened six months ago," said the Mayor of Ispra, Melissa de Santis. "But we are fortunate to have  Europe in our house, and to have every time the opportunity to know her better. "

An opportunity obtained with a good party based on music, good food and strong drinks, in front of a fire that warms our hands: beginning so warmly , in the coldness of these sad days of January, the European semester of Latvia, at least in European research center. 

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Pubblicato il 14 Gennaio 2015
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