A fairytale Father’s Day, at Miogni Prison

After the collaboration between UISP and the prison, tomorrow, Monday 19 March, will be a time for celebration in the Varese institution.

In collaboration with the administration of the Miogni Prison, the Varese branch of UISP, the Italian “Sport for Everyone” Association is continuing with initiatives aimed at prisoners, on this occasion, as part of the project that has been going on in the prison to promote parenthood. This time, it is through play and fairytales.

On Monday 19, from 2 p.m. to 4.30 p.m., in the meeting rooms of the Miogni Prison, there will be the performance of a story created by the prisoners, with UISP organisers, during the fairytale workshop, which they attended during the year, as part of a project to help them to become good parents when they finish serving their sentences. This is because most of the prisoners in the Miogni Prison are serving sentences of less than three years, and most of them are young. So, they will still have their futures ahead of them, when they return home. (In the photo, a poster produced three years ago in the institution in Busto Arsizio).

The prisoners also created the beautiful fairytale sets, which will liven up the stage in the meeting room, which has been decorated in previous years by their companions, with colourful murals. And it will be the detained dads themselves telling their children the story that they invented for them over the last few months.

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Pubblicato il 20 Marzo 2012
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