Alberto Ribolla, from Varese, elected president of Confindustria Lombardia

The businessman from Varese obtained an unanimous support from the regional council of the industrialists. “Confindustria Lombardia has to reinvent itself: a task to which I will devote myself with all my efforts”.

The Regional Council of Confindustria Lombardia unanimously elected Alberto Ribolla as president of the federation for the four-year period 2013-2017.

Ribolla, 56 years old , graduated in Chemical Engineering from the Politecnico of Milan. He is the managing director of Sices 1958 Spa of Lonate Ceppino, a group which operates in the plant-design sector and controls different companies in Italy and abroad, and he resides in Venegono Superiore.

During his long membership activity, Ribolla covered different  roles at a local, central and trade level.

President of Unione Industriali in the province of Varese from 2003 to 2007, he now holds the position of President of the Lombardy Energy Cluster and he runs the Club dei 15 of Confindustria.

“ I thank my colleagues of the Regional Council of Confindustria Lombardia for their trust,” stated the new President Ribolla. “I’m taking on  this role in a crucial moment in which our industries loudly ask the Government for reforms to become competitive again. Even the Confindustria system is about to carry out a reform that will involve all the levels of representation, including the regional one: our task is to do our best to be more and more incisive towards the Region and be increasingly efficient in our internal organisation”.

Therefore, Confindustria Lombardia has to reinvent itself,” concluded Ribolla, “a task to which I will devote myself with all my efforts knowing I can count on the colleagues of the associations that have elected me”. The new president expressed his gratitude to his predecessor, Alberto Barcella, for all his endeavours in his four-year presidency.  

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Pubblicato il 18 Ottobre 2013
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