A loop in the Parco Pineta around Tradate
The Parco Pineta is a real surprise. A green lung made of woods of various essences, meadows and a network of paths. A green area which extends up to the province of Varese and Como from Vedano Olona to Mozzate and beyond
The Parco Pineta is a real surprise. A green lung made of woods of various essences, meadows and a network of paths. A green area which extends up to the province of Varese and Como from Vedano Olona to Mozzate and beyond.
We propose a loop that starts and ends in Tradate. An 18 km walk that can have many variations. At least half of the route is immersed in coniferous forests. At this stage, the paths still show a double signage that can create some difficulties, but the indications are quite precise both for orientation and to have an idea of the length of the path.
Depart from the small car park in Pracallo street along the TR2 trail to the Villafranca farmhouse. It is about three km long, before turning right and entering the TR3 in a southerly direction. In a couple of km you can reach the woods and the pond of Proverbio. From there begins the path MO1 that leads to Mozzate.
Shortly after Proverbio, you can choose from several variants that lead directly to Tradate or Carbonate. If you continue along the MO1 path, you will arrive at Mozzate near the Sporting Club 63 and from there you will cover a kilometre to arrive at Carbonate, where you will find a cycle path on the edge of the park and then take the path all the way back into the Parco Pineta. The route up to here is 11 km long.
Another five more kilometres to reach the astronomical observatory and the educational path. From here, through Ronchi street you arrive at Abbiate Guazzone a few hundred meters from the starting point.
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