Referendum, quorum is not reached

The final turnout was 31.18%, including foreign votes. The record turnout was in Salento, where there were high percentages in Lecce Province. Varese Province fell slightly compared to the overall figures.


In the end, it was the party of abstentions that won, as the quorum was not reached. For a referendum to abrogate a law, the quorum is 50% plus one of those eligible to vote; on this occasion, 31.18% voted, including the votes of Italians abroad, who had a very low turnout, of 19.73%.

Prime Minister Renzi, who was in favour abstaining on the question of “drilling-no drilling”, the aim of which was to consult the electorate on whether or not to suspend mining activities within the 12-nautical mile zone when the licence expires, was singing victory. “Demagogy doesn’t pay.”

The turnout in Varese Province was 30.56%. In Varese itself, 29.08% of those eligible voted, in Busto Arsizio, the percentage was 29.8%, in Gallarate, 31.5%, and in Saronno, 31.78%.

The village with the lowest turnout was Cadegliano Viconago, with 22.98%. There was the highest turnout in Tronzano Lago Maggiore, with 42,62%.

These figures are very different from those of other Italian regions, such as Puglia, one of those swayed by Governor Emiliano, which had a high, sometimes very high, turnout.

This was so in Lecce Province, where, in Patù, there was the “record” turnout of  62.49%.

The only region in which the quorum was reached was Basilicata, with a little over 50%.

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