“Alitalia-Etihad, don’t penalise Malpensa”

Raffaele Cattaneo, the former Councillor for Infrastructure and Chairman of the Regional Council: “The region should make its voice heard; too much caution and too much silence.”

“The agreement between Etihad and Alitalia can be considered good news, on one condition: that we have all the necessary guarantees to prevent any penalisation of traffic to and from Malpensa Airport. On this point, the region cannot accept any changes,” said the Chairman of Lombardy’s Regional Council (and former Councillor for Infrastructure) Raffaele Cattaneo. “I expect strong, clear positions from the representatives of all sides, from the MPs to the Regional President, from the Regional Councillors to the Mayors, from the Chamber of Commerce to the trade unions and trade associations.” The former councillor spoke of “too much caution and some silence,” over the agreement and over what is at stake for the future of Malpensa, despite assurances over the airport’s role, also from Maurizio Lupi, the Minister for Infrastructure. “The central role of our airport cannot be put into question. Malpensa is a resource that should be defended and relaunched. This is what is being called for, above all, by the companies in our region. Infrastructure is an essential element for growth, as was mentioned today, during the General Meeting of the Industrial Union of Varese Province, by Chairman Squinzi and by Chairman Brugnoli.” And Cattaneo also mentioned how well Malpensa Airport had responded to the peak in traffic due to the temporary closure (for repairs) of Orio al Serio, in May. “Having an airport that can handle 50% more traffic without consequences or difficulties is a resource for everyone. Would Fiumicino Airport have been able to do as well? I don’t think so.” 

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Pubblicato il 12 Giugno 2014
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