Digital Terrestrial Television: far from perfect. Some channels are not for everybody.
After almost a year and half from the activation of the signal, there still exist widespread inconveniences from Cuveglio to Tradate. An expert says: “The truth is that the television networks are still experimenting”.
Almost a year and half has passed since the definitive activation of the Digital Terrestrial Television, but the problems of reception and transmission have not been solved, or at least not completely. The complaints from the citizens, who in many areas of the province do not see many channels, are frequent. Lately, for example, we got a letter from a reader living in the area of Cuveglio, who cannot see any channel RAI (Italian national TV and radio corporation) and who, therefore, asks to not pay the fee. Otherwise there are also problems in the area of Tradate, people can see the Italian channel La7 only in a few areas. But it is still in the south of the province, near Busto Arsizio, where Rai cannot be constantly seen. Mediaset seems to be absent in several areas around the city of Varese.
“It is not the problem of a remote village lost in the mountains” explains Massimo Bini from the Elmax of Tradate, a specialist aerial fitter that in the past had already replied to several readers’ questions issued by Varesenews. “There are problems. Each area is experiencing different situations, one different from another, sometimes it depends on the aerial, but it is often the signal that TV networks transmit. The situation is far from being defined.” According to Bini, the problem exists especially in the border zones between one booster and another: “Where the signal’s transmission by a bridge system ends, there is no continuity with another booster and the frequency is weak. However, the TV networks have no more excuses. Now the frequencies have been definitively assigned to the networks. If the signal doesn’t work, it’s the networks’ fault, there aren’t interferences of other channels. The networks are those who should solve these transmission’s problems. If the frequency is weak, they should send at least a message to inform about the problem.”
“It’s a difficult situation” concludes Bini. “It was hoped that within 2011 they would have tried to fix it, but they didn’t. Before the switch-off they made few tests. The real testing is being made now, this is the problem.”.
How is indeed the situation of the Digital Terrestrial Television for you?
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