Working in Switzerland? The instructions in a guide

How do you fill in a job application? What happens in case of an accident or maternity? All the answers in the new brochure presented by the Trade Union and Chamber of Commerce.

“I found a job opportunity in Lugano, but I don’t know what I have to do. What features will the contract have? How do you calculate the contributions?” The counters of the Trade Union have heard these kind of questions for some time and mostly for two reasons:  the first is that the number of border-workers is growing (reaching €54,000 in 2011, of which about 23,000 come from the province of Varese); the second as a matter of fact is that there are differences between the Helvetian and the Italian labour market. They concern the privacy illness, the accidents, the unemployment, the welfare security. To simplify the approach but also the lives to those are already border – workers, the Chamber of Commerce and the Trade Union Cgil, Cisl and Uil have produced a guide for the workers.

(In the picture from the left Laura Tamborini and Pietro Laplaca of the Chambre of Commerce, Osvaldo Caro, Marco Molteni and Paolo Lenna, respectively executive responsible for the Cisl, Uil and Gil.)

The vademecum, available on line, treats all aspects of work experience: from the presentation of the job application to the calculating of the deductions, from the holiday rights to the maternity indemnities. You can also find some information about the settlement of the pay roll, about the different deductions imposed on the salary in case of maternity and accidents. At last, they have been grouped in a list, the contacts of the services, dedicated to border – workers in the province territory. Among these it is also reported the counter of Luino (based in town) sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce and managed in cooperation with the Trade Union, a service that will be repeated in other areas of the province and  soon will open a second location in Malnate. About this theme the organizations involved have been working together for some time: “ We’ve tried to compress the experience accrued with years of cooperation in a streamlined guide” said Marco Molteni, in the council chamber for the working world. “Our goal is to give to employees all the basic information to understand the Helvetian labour market and, if necessary, to find useful references to contact in case of problems. An example is the tax issue, think about what happened in 2009 because of the rules about tax shelter.”

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Pubblicato il 21 Marzo 2012
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