The municipal swimming pool has been closed because values did not conform to regulations

A series of checks and water samples, carried out by the local health authority, found that values did not conform to regional regulations and that they were potentially harmful for man. The building has been closed and the pools will have to be emptied and sanitised.

 The municipal swimming pool has been closed because values did not conform to regulations. All swimming in the pool in Via Copelli has been stopped from today, Thursday 5 December, with a mayor’s ordinance issued by Varese Council. After a series of checks and water samples carried out by the local health authority, it emerged that values did not conform to regional regulations, and that they were potentially harmful for man; in particular, coagulase-positive staphylococcus was found, in a concentration that was higher than the norm, which could put the health of users at risk. The Council closed the building, and the association that runs the swimming pool, Varese Olona Nuoto, is already seeking to resolve the problem.

Lida De Polzer, Vice Chairperson of the sports club, explained. “We’re almost certain it was a fault. Our technicians are already working on it. We’ll certainly be closed until Sunday 8 December, then the local health authority will carry out new tests. We hope they do it quickly.

The owner will have to empty and sanitise the pools before the new tests. Councillor Stefano Clerici explained, “This is a necessary action by the administration, who listened to the peremptory request by the local health authority. It’s a delicate matter; just as we apply the maximum rigour in our checks of private facilities, we use the same method for public facilities. We have to ensure the health standards set by law. We apologise to users, also because the swimming pool in Via Copelli has always been in line with the established values. We believe the disruption will be resolved in a few days.”

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Pubblicato il 09 Dicembre 2013
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