With a concerted effort, the kiosk will make it to Borbona

This morning, a purposeful group of volunteers dismantled the flower kiosk, which will be given to a woman in a place in central Italy struck by earthquake.

Il chiosco di Gazzada pronto per la volta di Borbona

After a lifetime of selling flowers, the kiosk is now closed, standing there, by the “Alpini” roundabout and the cemetery: so why not give it to someone who could use it?

We told the story of Mauro and Franca, the owners of the flower kiosk in Gazzada Schianno a long time ago, of a chain of solidarity that put online the need of a young businesswoman who had lost everything in an earthquake, and of the generosity of the people of Varese.

Today, Saturday 11 March, there is another chapter in this story, one that talks about the good things in life, about wine glasses and screwdrivers, slices of salami and toasts for a midday snack, at the end of the work: only the structure of the kiosk remains, which will be loaded onto a lorry, in the next few days, and transported to Borbona, one of the municipalities near Rieti most damaged by the earthquakes in August and October.

The remainder, pipes, movable components, hinges, platforms etc. has been dismantled today by the men of the civil defence department and volunteers from small businesses and associations in the area, who gathered in Gazzada to work together.

The Motoclub of Gemonio, Fonderia Casati di Varese and the tinsmiths Fratelli Garbui of Gemonio deserve a mention.

As do the husband and wife, Mauro and Lucia Donghi; Mauro is a road haulage contractor, who provided one of his trucks to load the structure and take it to the place where it will provide one family with work and the means to go on.

It is a beautiful example of a united Italy, that pays tribute to the industriousness and kindness of the people of Varese Province.

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