The search for oil in Varese Province? Legambiente announce that they will fight it
The environmentalists are worried by a company’s request for a study to “search for liquid and gas hydrocarbons” in the subsoil of 40 towns and villages in the province.
Is there oil in Varese Province? Whether there is, or not, the Italian environmental association, Legambiente, pricked up their ears as soon as they heard the word “drilling”. What it was that put the environmentalists from Varese on a war footing was the news, that has been going round for the last few days, that the company from Rome, Mac Oil SpA has asked to carry out a "preliminary environmental study" in some parts of Lombardy to "look for liquid and gas hydrocarbons". In other words, they want to examine the substances in the subsoil. But Legambiente will not hear of it. "Every day, we talk about energy conservation and alternative sources," the representatives from Varese said, “and Varese is operating very well in the green economies. Do we really need to give more room to these studies? These are old activities; we have to look to the future and think about the environment. We’re aware of the fact that we’re talking about tests, but we are also ready to oppose to them if the project goes ahead."
The operation in question is called "Cartabbia" and is supported by a detailed study of the geology of the Varese area. The company is interested in the various towns and villages that border the Canton Ticino, including about 40 in Varese Province. "These bodies have no say in the matter," explains the Major of Viggiù, Sandy Cane. "Consider the fact that we mayors heard the news at the very beginning of February, when it had already appeared in some newspapers. We received a communication from Lombardy Region, in which we were informed of the request made by the company. What I published on the municipal notice board praetorian register was, "The carrying out of the work might involve the area around Viggiù. The project in question entails geophysical studies, aimed at verifying the presence of hydrocarbons in the subsoil."
In any case, the work will have to be authorised, and will depend on obtaining a positive assessment of the impact on the environment. The program is divided into 4 phases and the company’s goal is to have, within 36 months of obtaining permission to search, the go-ahead to “drill an exploratory well." The details of the operation are public and can be examined on Lombardy Region’s website, in the area dedicated to the information system of Lombardy for the assessment of environmental impact. In the letter to the councils, it is said, "Anyone that is interested, can submit, in writing, observations about this project, and send them to the regional office indicated, within 45 days of the publication of the news in Lombardy Region’s Official Gazzette." Observations may also be sent by certified mail to the address
The phases of the project
The towns in Varese and Como Provinces affected by the project are: Albiolo; Appiano Gentile; Arcisate; Azzate; Barasso; Bardello; Beregazzo con Figliaro; Biandronno; Binago; Bisuschio; Bizzarone; Bodio Lomnago; Brunello; Buguggiate; Bulgarograsso; Cagno; Cantello; Caronno Varesino; Casale Litta;Casciago; Casnate con Bernate; Cassina Rizzardi; Castelnuovo Bozzente; Castiglione Olona; Castronno; Cavallasca; Cazzago Brabbia; Cernobbio; Clivio; Cocquio-Trevisago; Comerio; Como; Crosio della Valle; Daverio; Drezzo; Faloppio; Fino Mornasco; Galliate Lombardo; Gavirate; Gazzada Schianno; Gironico; Grandate; Inarzo; Induno Olona; Lozza; Luisago; Lurate Caccivio;Luvinate;Malnate;Maslianico;Montano Lucino; Morazzone; Mornago; Olgiate Comasco; Oltrona di San Mamette; Parè; Rezzago; Rodero; Ronago;Saltrio; San Fermo della Battaglia; Solbiate; Sumirago;Ternate; Uggiate Trevano; Valmorea; Varano Borghi; Varese; Vedano Olona; Venegono Inferiore; Venegono Superiore; Vergiate; Viggiù; Villa Guardia.
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