Varese surpasses Busto Arsizio: fifty inhabitants more

ISTAT (National Institute of Statistics) Census releases provisional figures. The “Garden City” surpasses Busto Arsizio, while Duno is the town with the fewest inhabitants. Also the numbers of families increase but the nuclear family are smaller and smaller.

Varese is again the first city in the Province. Only 50 people, a small difference that overturns the last analyses on Varese population: 79,959 residents in Varese against 79,909 in Busto. The overtaking of the “Garden City”, which last year gave its position to Busto Arsizio, was registered by Istat during the fifteenth Census. Research figures are still provisional (final figures will be ready in the following months) and they have been presented this morning in Prefecture. The figures show a province where 873,241 people live, of whom 423,395 are male and 449,846, female.

Varese is at the top, Duno in last position. The more populous towns are the two “poles”, Varese and Busto Arsizio, while the less populous are Curiglia con Monteviasco and Duno, respectively with 190 and 161 residents. Istat manager Lia Coniglio explained: “The numbers we’re presenting this morning, will successively be compared to towns registry offices ones. By the end of the year we’ll have further figures and we’ll be able to carry out population socio-economic analyses.” Figures reflect national averages. Prefect Giorgio Zanzi (in the picture above next to Varese deputy mayor, Carlo Baroni) observed: “This situation also refers to immigrant population. According to Prefecture of Police figures, regular foreigners in the province are more or less 60 thousands, approximately the triple than 2001, when according to Istat they were a little bit than 23 thousands. It is a figure that is constantly changing.”

Cities and “big towns” – Istat survey preview also reveals many towns aspect.

Cities and large towns – a preview of the Istat survey reveals also the face of many common communes. Those with more residents are 21 (14.9 percent) and have a population exceeded 10,000 inhabitants; in in these municipalities dwell 55.6 percent of the population, while 44 percent live in the remaining 120 municipalities with less than 10 thousand inhabitants.

Families are increasingly restricted
–  Comparing the data of 2011 with the one of the 2001 there is a recorded increase of the population corresponding to 60,764 people. Also the number of resident families have increased, from 320,900 to 368,012 (+12.8 percent) with an average number of components that passes though from 2.5 in 2001 to 2.4 in 2011

Forty thousand extra homes  – From early results, in the province of Varese there are 190,313 buildings (160,001 residential) and 399,620 households, 362,227 occupied by residents and 37,393 occupied solely by non-resident or unoccupied. The extra buildings respect to the census of the 2001 are 41,437 (+ 11 percent).

One hundred people risk fines – The families have compiled the questionnaires on line in 32.7 percent of cases, 41.4 percent in the collection centres, 5.7 to the surveyors and 20.2 percent in the post offices. In total the returned questionnaires have been 368,423.

“There have been some families that for various reasons have decided not to compile the questionnaire and some people who wrote to us in order to communicate their reasons" said the prefect. They are personal motivations that go from the demand for protection of the privacy to particular political choices”. Those that haven’t delivered the compiled questionnaire risk fines: “They range from 516 to 2,200 euro," specified the Deputy Prefect Biagio Del Prete, “There are currently ongoing one hundred measures which could lead to the same penalties."

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Pubblicato il 05 Luglio 2012
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