Pig sues pony, trial on the farm

An original initiative by the village of Casale Litta, in collaboration with Insubria University. The objective is to demonstrate how a trial works, in an entertaining and light-hearted way.

Mr Pig has taken Mr Pony to court, after becoming fed up of having to supply the raw material for prosciutto. Mr Pony, who has no wish to take on the role of his neighbour in the next pen, will be defending himself at every level of justice. How will it end? To find out, we must wait for the hearing, which has been scheduled for Friday 23 November, at Pasqué Farm in Casale Litta (near Bernate). The trial will begin at 9 p.m., and is not just the fruit of someone’s imagination, but is an original initiative organised by the Casale Litta Council, in collaboration with Insubria University.

“The aim is to explain how a trial works, and the role of the people involved, in an entertaining and light-hearted way,” explained Giuseppe D’Aquaro, a village councillor and student representative. “Experts and professionals will also be taking part in this fun evening.”

The judge will be Giuseppe Buffone, an ordinary magistrate at the Court of Varese, who accepted the invitation to take part.

On the side of Mr Pig, there will be the lawyer Stefano Marcolini, from Insubria University, Andrea Maresca, a lecturer in the Department of Medicine, and, as a witness, Francesco Rainero from Pasqué Farm. On the side of Mr Pony, there will be the lawyer Elisabetta Panzarini, from Insubria University, Eugenia Trotti of the Department of Sciences, and, as a witness, the vet Sabrina Terni.

“We’d like this initiative to be entertaining, but also a time of collaboration between the University and local people,” explained Federico Raos, the director of the University.

The evening will then continue with a concert by Lambrusco, a Ligabue cover band. The evening has been organised with the support of Varese Province, and in collaboration with Varese students and the association MDC.

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Pubblicato il 22 Novembre 2012
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