University students for a day: nine hundred at Insubria’s Open Day

Large attendance on the day dedicated to high school students. Open lectures, labs and meetings allowed the young students to discover, first-hand, what the university has to offer.

A full program of open lectures, labs and simulations welcomed the 900 high school students who took part in the Open Day at the Insubria University campus, in Bizzozzero, this morning. The students had come from all over Varese Province, and other provinces in Lombardy and Piedmont, from Canton Ticino, and even someone from Sicily.

What university life is like, in what has become Varese’s university district, was described by lecturers and technical staff, and dozens of university students, who shared their studying experiences with the aspiring freshmen. Why choose Insubria? What services are provided to students? Are there any difficulties? What job opportunities are there after university? The high school students asked the volunteers a lot of questions. At the two sites that hosted the event (in Via Monte Generoso, and in Via Ottorino Rossi), the traditional open lectures, workshops and practical labs were also given.

University students at the science faculties also presented a number of scientific experiments, and the presentation of the Faculty of Law included a simulation of a judicial trial, based on a case history and the treatment of a clinical case.

Like every year, one of the most crowded rooms was the one that hosted the presentation of degree courses at the School of Medicine, despite the Ministry of Education’s bringing forward the admission tests for the master’s degrees in Medicine and Surgery, and in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics to 8 April; more than 120 students simulated the admission tests for the health sector degree courses.

The same number of students did the initial qualification test for the courses in Economics and Management at the Economics Department, almost thirty for the degree courses at the Department of Law, Economics and Culture (Law, Science of Interlinguistic and Intercultural Mediation, Tourism Sciences). The students that passed the test will not have to take it again; those that failed will be able to repeat it later on.

“We’re satisfied; this is a good turnout,” said Insubria University Chancellor, Professor Alberto Coen Porisini, “and what is particularly positive is that there’s an increasing number of students interested in the education we provide not only from outside the province, but even from outside the region.”

Read – Behind the scenes at the Open Day 

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Pubblicato il 08 Aprile 2014
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