Slow parenting, with little dangers and good examples
Slow parenting is a philosophy of parenting based on awareness and on respecting learning times and times for building the parent-child relationship
Have you ever heard of “slow parenting”? It is based on a philosophy that comes largely from the slow movement, and it recommends respecting the learning times of each child, which can vary greatly.
The idea is to go slower and to be more aware of what is around us, in clear contrast to the trend today of racing from one side of town to the other, driving the children to a variety of sports activities, artistic endeavours and workshops.
The 5 principles of slow parenting may be summarised as follows:
For children, playing is a very serious matter. It provides the main context for learning, and thus, it is necessary to guarantee them space and time to play and to discover how the world works.
Curiosity drives children to discover, but in making discoveries, they may also face little dangers, that are appropriate for their ages, of course.
Mums and dads are not their children’s “friends”, but their parents. The parents’ job is to love, guide and, above all, be an example for their children, to help them grow without applying pressure and, therefore, without causing stress.
Another great resource in children’s learning, on a par with curiosity, is creativity. So, a pencil and a piece of paper are preferable to any screen.
Bringing up children is achieved by relating to them, and the relationship needs time. A long, extended and tranquil time, which parents share with their children, in quiet spaces.
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