Music to discover and create

Teachers at the Camille Saint-Saëns Academy have produced a series of videos to encourage the sharing of play and constructive moments based on sound, at home

accademia musicale crosio

Initially designed to benefit the children who attend the academy, the videos, which have been made by the teachers at the Camille Saint-Saëns Institute of Music and Art Therapies are now being shared online, on Facebook and YouTube, to encourage play and constructive moments in the family, based on the world of sound.

Music is often consumed as a commodity, or practised with performance goals, but for us, a music therapy institute and a music academy, music is above all a teaching language and a tool for creating well-being, also in family relationships,” explained Barbara Sgobbi, the director of the institute whose teachers appear in a series of short videos that range from singing together, focusing on sounds in the home, to making real music instruments, from a kazoo to a guitar (for children).

The videos suggest new ways to experience stimuli in the home, starting from the sounds, which can form the basis for discovering new things to share.

A new video is normally uploaded every two days to the Saint-Saëns Academy’s Facebook page, and shared on the VareseNews Bambini Fb group.

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