A walk “in the collector’s room”
On the last day before the closure of the museum due to the lockdown, we had a complete tour of the exhibition. Here is the full video.
On the last day before the closure of the museum due to the lockdown, we had a complete tour of the exhibition “In the collector’s room”, which was organised by the Cariplo Foundation (Fondazione Cariplo) and by the Community Foundation of Varese Province (Fondazione Comunitaria del Varesotto), in collaboration with Varese Town Council, shortly before of the closure of Masnago Castle.
Our goal was to see the exhibition together with you, as you might not have made it in time to visit Masnago Castle, before Varese became classified as a “red zone”; we took a mobile phone and walked through the whole exhibition.
Please be patient with the naivety of the video; we hope at least to have transmitted to you the beauty of some of the pieces, in the hope that you will be able to see them in person, at the end of the restrictions.
The exhibition will remain at Masnago Castle until 21 January 2021.
Translated by Denise Mura and Michela Villa
Reviewed by Prof. Rolf Cook
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ccerfoglia su Sottopassi ancora allagati a Busto Arsizio. Perchè qualcuno ci finisce sempre dentro?
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