You can enjoy Bike sharing using your mobile phone

We are talking about a new app that allows you to get a bicycle. You can pay for a €3 daily subscription with your mobile phone.

Varese Bike Sharing

There are two pieces of news about the municipal bike sharing: if you don’t have the card yet, you could subscribe to a €3 daily subscription, buying it using an app on your phone and a credit card. It is the same as buying music on iTunes, for example. It could be a useful service, for example, for a tourist who, one day, comes to Varese or for a government official who arrives by train and needs to travel quickly without using the car.

The second news concerns, instead, people who already have the card and are subscribed to the service. By signing up in the app Bicincittà, you could get a bicycle using only your Smartphone. In the quadrant the numbers of the available stations will be shown, and it will be enough to click on the quadrant to release one. If by chance you have already downloaded the app, you have to recover your password and login, or ask for a new password on the website.

On Wednesday 13th April, the council member Riccardo Santinon, together with Marco Giuppone, the business manager of the company that provides the service in Turin, reached the bike sharing station in Piazza Giovine Italia by bicycle.

587 people are registered in the bike sharing of Varese. But in reality not too many people use it and the bike sharing cult is still little publicized. However the municipality improved something when it decided, some months ago, to implement a lump sum maintenance contract with Biciincittà srl, that solved a series of technical problems like: blocked bikes, cards that often did not work and the bike-stations that were not always available.

There are many problems: in these days in the Nord train station, the control unit got blocked and there was no service. The council member Santinon promised that it will be repaired in a very few days. The 14 stations in Varese registered nearly 60 new subscriptions in 6 months, but managing a bike sharing is complicated. Only a single person in Varese is in charge of this service. The maintenance could surely get better. But the investments will also depend on the use and on the citizen’s attention. The service will be also in English soon.

A curiosity: the most used bike stations are the ones of the stations, and in Casbeno, Piazza Libertà. Santinon observes: “There are new requests of new stations, in Masnago, in front of the Church and on the bicycle path, in via Sempione too, with the new AVT car park, a new station will be built. There are 58 bikes in total, and 12 of them have an electric motor. In the new balance sheet there will be also the station for other eight electrical bikes.”

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