The new paediatric emergency room: not until spring

The opening of the new ward is planned for March/April. However, the situation is still unsure regarding the orthopaedic assistance: the trauma ward might remain at the Circolo.

ospedale del ponte

“Some construction details, staff training, and the definition of the protocols are still missing. The opening is planned for March/April.” So, they are still working on the opening of the new paediatric emergency room of Del Ponte, with access from via Michelangelo.

The space has not been divided from the current lobby area yet. However, this is not the main problem. Callisto Bravi, the managing director of Asst Sette Laghi, explained: “We need the staff in order to open the emergency room. The administration of the region of Lombardy granted us 7 million Euros more every year to strengthen all the wards and we are hiring the required personnel. With our announcement of selection, we are now looking for the Chief Department of Anaesthesiology and Reanimation.”

The most challenging search is still among the paediatricians: “The retrieval problems are being registered on a national level,” explains the director of the Department for the Mother and the Child Massimo Agosti. “In one year we have already promoted three contests and we are now closing the last one. Once they are hired, we’ll have to train them and prepare the intervention protocols. It’s not easy for a centre of first intervention, which is what we currently are, to become an emergency room.”

So, the appointment is being postponed to spring, even if the future emergency room might not have a trauma ward. At the current state, there is no plasters room, and, therefore, the whole orthopaedic ward might not be moved from the Circolo: “It’s too soon to say that,” claims Doctor Anna Iadini, responsible assistance doctor. “We are working together with professionals to find the best solutions. Currently, we have a basic structure for paediatric orthopaedics, but the staff is not enough to cover all the activities of an emergency room. We are still thinking of the best organisation possible.”

In spring, together with the emergency room, also the child neuropsychiatric activity, currently housed in the clinic of Velate, might be moved to Del Ponte.

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