The world’s longest pizza at Monteruzzo Castle

Over 430 metres cooked in 24 hours. The pizza was laid out on dozens of tables.

Over 430m of pizza. The world record for the longest pizza has been beaten, and it puts the town of Castiglione Olona in the Guinness Book of Records. The record was achieved on Sunday afternoon at Monteruzzo Castle, during the “Palio di Castelli” events, which began a few days ago. Numerous onlookers watched throughout the day, as dozens of volunteers set about cooking the pizza. The initiative was organised by the Young Bakers of Varese Province, with a contribution by the Castiglione town council and by the Municipal Tourist Board. “We started on Saturday evening, at around 8 o’clock, and we’ve continued throughout the day today,” said Attilio, from the bakers’ association, with satisfaction. “It’s now 5 pm, and we’ve already beaten the record of 407m; we’re going on, and we’ll see how far we get. We’ve had a lot of fun, and we’re very satisfied.” A few minutes later, the length of the pizza, which was laid out on dozens of tables, was measured. A technician from the Guinness Book of Records was present at the measuring, as well as the Mayor, Emanuele Poretti, and the Carabinieri, who, by law, were required to be there. Thus, the record was beaten and made official, and the pizza was then given away free to passers-by, who were asked to make a donation to charity. In the lovely setting of Monteruzzo Castle, this event livened up a very hot day. “We’re happy about the record,” said the Mayor, “and to get into the Guinness Book of Records. This has been an excellent start to the “Palio di Castelli”, which has already had a lot of visitors.”

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Pubblicato il 22 Luglio 2010
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