“I’ve received a notification from Immuni, what should I do?”

Some answers to the most frequent doubts about using the tracking app: what should you do if you are positive? Are there any restrictions and obligations?

The Immuni app has been downloaded over eight million three hundred thousand times, and almost nine thousand notifications have been sent to users. The use of the hi-tech system, which allows fast and direct tracking of any contacts with people found to be positive to Covid-19 is constantly growing.


Once you have downloaded the app, there is some information that is good to know. For example: what should I do if I receive a notification about contact with a person who has contracted the coronavirus? And how should I behave if I turn out to be positive? Are there any restrictions and obligations to respect?


The official Immuni website provides answers to the most frequent doubts. Here are some of them:


What do I do to inform people if I am found to be positive?

The operation is voluntary, and it allows Immuni to inform people you have been in contact with during the previous days. The healthcare professional who gives you the positive result of the swab will help you upload it onto the app.

The procedure is very easy:

  • The healthcare professional will ask you to go to “Impostazioni” (“Settings”) and choose “Segnala positività” (“Report a positive result”).
  • Immuni will provide a single-use code, a randomised 10-character alphanumeric sequence.
  • You will have to communicate this code to the healthcare professional, who will authorise it.
  • The healthcare professional will ask you to touch “Prosegui” (“Continue”) in order to verify the code and continue with the operation.
  • The app will show a summary of the data that will be uploaded.
  • On touching “Carica I dati” (“Upload data”), the app will upload this data.
  • You will be asked for permission to access random codes saved on your device.
  • The app will send you a confirmation message once the uploading is complete.


How does Immuni inform me that I have had a risky contact? What should I do in that case?

If Immuni detects that you have been exposed to a possible infection, you will be notified. Follow the recommendations, which you will find in the app, starting with contact your GP for further information. Even though you are not obliged to do so, we suggest you follow the instructions given, to protect your health and that of others, particularly of those closest to you.


Immuni has detected a risky contact, but I feel fine. What should I do?

If Immuni detects a risky contact, it means that you have been in close contact with a someone that is positive to Covid-19 for more than 15 minutes, in the last few days. Therefore, you may have contracted the virus, without showing any symptoms. You should play your part, by following the recommendations: this will reduce the risk for you and your loved ones, and you will avoid infecting others.


Once I have reported that I am positive, how can I inform Immuni that I am no longer infected?

Your local health authority will swab you once or several of times, to confirm that you are no longer positive for Covid-19. When you receive confirmation of your negative response from your health authority, you can update your health status in the Immuni app. Simply tap “Sei guarito?” Aggiorna il tuo stato” (“Have you recovered? Update your status”) and “Sono Covid-19 negativo” (“I’m Covid-19 negative”).


All answers on how to use the app, on matters concerning confidentiality and the most common doubts.


Translated by Edoardo Graziani and Denise Mura

Reviewed by Prof. Rolf Cook


Pubblicato il 02 Novembre 2020
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