The fire on the Martica explained by the people that put it out
Thursday, January 24 an appointment to talk about the fire on Monte Martica: what happened, the prospects and what everyone can do to limit the risk of fires
What happened and what will happen. These are the questions that many people are asking after the fire that devastated the Monte Martica and it is precisely to answer these questions, that for Thursday, January 24th, a meeting in Induno Olona was organized.
The appointment is at 9 pm in Sala Bergamaschi and will see as speakers, the protagonists of the fire extinguishing on Monte Martica and in Valganna. An evening, both to tell what was done in those days, to reflect on future prospects and also to understand what everyone can do to avoid situations like this. The one on Monte Martica, in fact, seems to have been a fire that started following an accident (and for which there is a suspect) while for the fire on Mondonico we speak of a voluntary act.
The event is organized by the municipality of Induno Olona with the mountain community of Piambello and the Park of Campo dei Fiori. All the information about those long days of fire can be found by clicking here.
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