AGRA (VA) BELVEDERE del \"Giro del sole\"


Discovering the village of Agra

On the afternoon of Saturday 11 May, with CAI Luino, come and visit the “Jewish ghetto”, the ancient washhouses, the arcades and two churches, S. Eusebio and S. Giuseppe, and many other places of great interest

Generico 2018


Experiencing a garden with your children

All you need is a balcony, some soil and water, and a few seeds or seedlings: it is all child-sized, for it to look after and to learn to be patient, to wait and to care



The first time for Valcuvia’s primrose in an atlas

“Flora tra il Lago Maggiore e il Lago di Como” (Flora between Lake Maggiore and Lake Como) by Michael Kleih from Ticino, published by Nomos Edizioni, catalogues 1,300 wild species that can be traced back to an area that goes from the Po Valley to the Pre-Alps

Il Sacro Monte di notte


The Via dei Sacri Monti between Piedmont and Lombardy

Over the past decade, the nine sacred ways were recognised by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. In Lombardy, the Sacred Mountains are two, one in Varese and the other in Ossuccio while the remaining seven are on the Piedmontese territory

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